"Antiques Vintage Collection"
Today driving the sign in the antique store said, "Antiques Vintage Collection". I had seen that sign a hundred times but today God read it to me:)
Antiques to me means "old." Vintage means over 50 years. Collection means collecting dust, sitting on a shelf. A has been item, that is fragile if handled roughly and has been used up and no good anymore except to look at and remember!
That's a pretty good description of me over the last 5 years. If you moved me, my bones may break, they do ache and if you shook me I might come a part. You certainly would see the dust I have collected from the world falling around me. God knows He needs to push me off that shelf to break me or knock some sense into me.
This morning I met a friend for coffee. I gave her a beautiful antique silver pitcher I found on the "Goodwill shelf". It was beautifully made. The etching in the design was classic and elegant. It had forged marking inside of who the creator was, but was woren off in parts. You could tell it had a long life of use by the shape it was in. It was woren, discolored, tarnished and of no use to the owner any more. Tossed away by the owner but not trashed. Too good to throw totally away, but hopeful that it would find a good home out there for someone!
I am that pitcher! Once made to pour out God's love into others . I loved serving my family, church and community. Today I am sitting on the shelf of life called "Goodwill". When you look at me, you can defiantly see I am a antique in the today's church.... vintage for sure. I have to admit I have climbed up to the shelf on my own to hide and rest, just for a bit I thought. Now it has been 5 years and I have become comfortable there. If you moved me, I am sure there would be enough dust to choke you.
I know God wants to fill me again. I am that pitcher, hammered out through the trials of life. Strong and still of use. I might be vintage but still beautiful etched by the hand of God! There's still some life in me, too good to throw out....still solid, unbreakable, fired in the furnace of life, usable to be filled again and willingly to be pour out for His Glory!
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